Sunday 21 September 2008

Time for bed tomorrow I could be dead

It's really funny but after such a wonderful weekend it is perhaps strange to think such thoughts, but I am going to write them down none the less if only for posterity's sake. I've had lovely day and the meal at Beate's was great fun and very tasty. Shortly before I came home I started to get a strange pain in my left upper chest. Of course one thinks straight away about what it might be. It is certainly getting worse and not better but it makes you think doesn't it? What if I am building up for a heart attack? I have just visited the toilet and the thought crossed my mind. I would be terrible sad to leave my friends behind and very unhappy to no longer see my family but then you came to the thought, well what happens when we die? What happens to our spirit or our soul? Does anyone have the answer? If so, please let me know as I would love to be sure. Ok, just joking. But what strange thought to have don't you think?

The pain is stabbing and now my left arm is starting to feel funny. If I die tonight, how strange these words will seem to whoever reads them. Hey if you knew you were going to be dead tomorrow and it was already nearly eleven o'clock at night, what would you do?

If I died during the night would I have regrets? You bet! But what should I do? I have lived my life to the best of my ability and done everything I can to make sure that I have lived a fair and just life. I have tried my best not to hurt anybody and if I have indeed managed to do that, then I can only say that it wasn't on purpose. I am after all only human and to err is indeed human.

Well, here goes. I'm off to bed, tomorrow I could be dead.

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