Tuesday 29 July 2008

What's happening?

It's Tuesday evening. My computer clock says that it is just after 23:10. The house and it's occupants are winding down for the night and I really should be getting off to sleep. In my new home I have the delightful company of amongst several others two splendid dogs. Luna is a little milky eyed cross breed with a corkscrew tail and a character to go with it. Sidney the other dog in my life is a real Bobbi dog. She is an Irish Wolf hound and is absolutely gorgeous. Luna is small and fiery and has the temperament to match her stature. She is shrill and loud and yet there is something delightful and amusing about her. She never misses an opportunity to elicit even the smallest degree of attention from me. Sidney on the other hand is much more of a go it alone character with a stubbornness to match her size. She has a long grey woolly coat and when she has just been washed she looks absolutely gorgeous.

Since Bina went away for a couple of days with Uwe last week, I have been really enjoying having the dogs at my disposal. I have been waking up in the morning and feeding them and then going off for an early morning walk with them and really making the most of it. The area where I now live means that on the whole when you go walking out with the dogs you seldom meet many people and mostly none at all. It is very relaxing to be able to feel safe and free at the same time. I never tire of looking at the beautiful nature that surrounds us here and almost every time we go walking there is something new and fresh to savour. Why, only this morning while out walking the dogs with Lisa and Lea we came across a super little deer grazing away in the middle of the day as if it didn't have a care in the world. Even when it saw us it didn't immediately run away. Just a few days ago I was cooking the first coffee of the day when looking out the kitchen window I say a antlered deer grazing in the newly prepared horse paddock just across the road from our house. The sun was rising out of a mist filled musky morning and this splendid deer really did look wonderful in that early morning light and freshness.

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