Wednesday 8 October 2008

Strange, but true

We here we are on an exceptionally murky autumn day in North West Germany and my thoughts are turning to the idea of a holiday. The thing is, I have just spent more than an hour surfing the Internet looking for a nice deserted Greek Island. I looked at the little Cyclades and especially Iraklia but what puts me off is the realisation that I would have to fly to get there. Not my favourite pastime.

Then I thought about the idea of going off on my around the coast of Europe tour and then, well, I ask you, what the hell is all this about? What the hell do I want to go off on a holiday for? I hate the whole idea of the packing, the organising and the worst thing of all, belonging to that hoard of pre ambulant morons who go on holiday only because it has become the accepted thing to do with your non-working time. I am getting stupid in my old age. Stop it, stop it, stop it. It's ok. I'm over it now and I hope I don't have to face up to that old chestnut again.

So, here is the report from Germany. It is grey and dismal but not cold. I took the girls for a walk this morning at around 5 o'clock and it really was exceptionally mild. I came back and did some work and then at about 6:30 I went back to bed. I slept fitfully and felt uncomfortable. I guess going to bed too early is really stupid. I was actually in bed at 21:30 last night and so I suppose it is no surprise that I was awake so early. I changed the bedroom around yesterday and put my bed in another position and that means that I am sleeping in a more south to north direction but I don't think this is good for me. We will see if it is any better tonight. I do hope so.

Outside, autumn is really coming into it's own. The trees on the other side of the river are all crowned with gold and yellows and reds and the two oaks outside are beginning to look utterly beautiful. There are giant spiders everywhere and they are gorging themselves before the onset of winter. I don't know, do they hibernate for the winter or do they simple die out? Big question huh? I am going to have to go and find out.

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