Saturday 25 October 2008

3Bt for Yesterday

1. The Friday morning girls group consisting of Heike, Beate and Anja were all on excellent form yesterday and we had a very pleasant and enjoyable 90 minutes together. Anja's new jacket (which she told me she had made her self was wonderful). Red and worn with a smart pair of black trousers she looked so attractive. I was positively impressed.

2. I was late for an appointment in Rhade yesterday and so with just 10 minutes to get there from Schermbeck I hit the Autobahn and pushed my little car to 170Kmh. It was exhilarating, to say the least.

3. Late at night, coming home from Cathrin's I had just turned into our lane when there on the road in front of me was a little bundle of spiky wonder. a baby hedgehog was taking the long way home and had evidently found the tarmac surface much easier going than cross country and so was busy shuffling his way along the lane. Problem was, there was not enough room for both my car and him and so I parked my car up, put the warning lights on and got out to have a look at him. He was gorgeous. His little long nose was wet and his tiny eyes were completely black and shiny. I was thrilled to see him but he was so spiky that I couldn't pick him up. In the end I make use of a couple of plants on the way side and using some hastily plucked leaves as make shift gloves I lifted him up to safety (the grass verge) and put him out of harms way. I do hope he got home safely. For me, the encounter was the perfect end to a long but enjoyable Friday.

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