Sunday 13 July 2008

I'm Back

On July the 4th 2007 I was reborn. Don't know what I am talking about? Then don't worry about it. Its probably not all that important. It's just a simple fact that I wanted to record here.

I have moved again. Well there is a surprise huh? OK not really. Anybody who knows me will know that I have lived in more than 30 different houses in my life and its more than possible that I will live in 30 more before my time here is up.

Interestingly, this brings me to a theme that has been roaming around in my head a lot recently. As I am getting older I find myself more and more concerned with the question trying to find meaning to life. I am not particularly interested in the others. I'm just interested in trying to find some meaning to my life.

I can remember a time when such thoughts simply didn't enter my mind. I was more involved in simply being than thinking about it. Actually, if I am honest, I can't really remember much about the past. I have reinvented myself so often that even I don't know which of the many versions I have proffered up is the correct or real one. Does it matter? I doubt it.

I've had a good day today. Or at least I think it was a good day. I woke early but because of a misunderstanding between Bina and myself I turned back over and after reading for a while I managed to get back off to sleep. I am reading Dune again at the moment and doing it via a nice little Symbian programme called "Mobiread". It's even better than a book because I can lie in bed and read without having to put a light on to do so. It is very easy to operate and when I wear my glasses I am able to read the little screen very easily.

The misunderstanding between Bina and myself was that I thought she had told me that she had arranged a meeting with Stefan for seven o'clock and for some strange reason I had assumed she meant seven o'clock in the morning. I think it was fate because I clearly needed the extra time in bed. Anyway, at about a quarter to nine I got up and we had breakfast together. Poor Lisa looks really poorly at the moment. She has not been eating very much recently and looks dreadful. It all started off with a sore throat but seems to have escalated into a full blown cold or even worse. I am still not entirely happy with how things are here at the moment but let me tell you that compared to living in the house in Marlberg it is like having won the lotto or something.

After breakfast I drove up to the old house to collect a few more things and in particular to fetch the Cannelloni for today's meal. As got into the car the sun was shining and it occurred to me to drop the roof down. Sometimes it is all too easy to forget why I bought the Cabrio(Cabriolet). Why, fresh air of course. So with a full tummy, a good feeling and the sun rising in the sky (clouds too) I set off for Marlberg. Wind in ones hair is one thing, but I didn't want to lose my stying so I decided to take the Brunerweg route and nipped out through Bricht and crossing the B58 I weaved my way onto Brunerweg. To my horror I discovered that I had stumbled upon a typical Sunday morning in Schermbeck. Bloody cyclists everywhere. If there is one thing I have a real problem with here in my version of heaven then it is the arrogance of the cyclists who having donned their strange Lycra suits and space age helmets take to the roads at the weekend and exhibit a behaviour that all but brings me to want to murder them. I can't imaging a better reason for staying at home at the weekend than to avoid these stupid fellows and their insane insistence in winding me up.

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